Friday, April 22, 2011

spring time in the woods

Wood poppy. Photo copyright
One of the perks of working at a nature center is that time in the woods is encouraged. In mild weather those otherwise tedious meetings are held outdoors. It's instant inspiration.

So yesterday during an outdoor meeting, my colleague and I were excited to hear a grey tree frog calling to another in the trees. We also overheard a little child playing with his family exclaim "I want to stay here FOREVER!". It was the best. Our bluebirds and tree swallows are nesting, among other birds, so it's a time full of busy, joyful sounds.

NOTE: Of course, I ended up finding four dog ticks on my sweater, but the fresh air was worth it. Remember to always, ALWAYS check yourself and your little ones to avoid getting sick from a tick!

Later, I had another meeting, this one in our woodland garden. It's a fenced area of about an acre meant to contrast how different the forest would look without an overpopulation of deer browsing all the vegetation. Master gardeners created naturalistic plantings of native wildflowers and it is absolutely beautiful. Foamflower is covering the forest floor with airy white flowers. The yellow wood poppies are up and the jack-in-the-pulpits are starting to make an entrance. The blood root is open and the may apple is on its way. The ferns are at various stages (maidenhair fern, Christmas fern, sensitive fern) starting to unfurl. The wild ginger, spring beauty, and wintergreen are also getting ready for a show. The flowering trees and shrubs include red buds, oak leaf hydrangea, and dogwoods. Even wake robin (also known as purple trillium) is blooming!

There are many more plants in the woodland garden, but too many to list. I'm glad I had the opportunity to enjoy the wildflowers that usher in spring - just in time for Easter. I hope you can make some time to enjoy the wildflowers in your neck of the woods because, believe me, they are fleeting!

1 comment:

  1. You have such a wonderful place to work! I found you on Mom Loop.


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Yes, peas are delicious - and funny!

Yes, peas are delicious - and funny!
Our little guy at 15 months, February 2011.