Saturday, June 18, 2011

great day for a hike

What a beautiful day for a family hike at our favorite stomping grounds. E really enjoys hiking and he's becoming more interested in birds and opposed to not noticing them before when he was uber concerned about keeping his balance! Check out our recent adventures:

He looks like king of the hill to me.

Isn't this familiar, mamas?

He got sick of me and daddy pointing things out so he decided to start showing us some interesting finds.

Hmm, what's in the grass?

I think this is a cicada killer - a big bee. The mama finds a hole, kills a cicada, drags it in the hole (if it wasn't already living there in the first place), and lays her eggs. I can't say for sure that's what this is though, because she never came out of the hole...

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Yes, peas are delicious - and funny!

Yes, peas are delicious - and funny!
Our little guy at 15 months, February 2011.