Saturday, March 26, 2011

for my homegirls

Today started out as one of those hectic days. You know the kind - race to get the diaper bag together, find shoes, make coffee for the car ride, don't forget the gift, is my kid dressed warm enough? - kind of days.

There was no make up involved. I'm certain a brush never met my hair before it was whisked up in a messy bun. I grabbed the worn-a-couple-of-time jeans to be sure I was comfy. I was headed to my girlfriend's house. I knew she wouldn't mind. In fact, I could almost bet money that she was in the same state as me.

This play date was way overdue and it turned out to be just the medicine I needed, despite the hectic start. I breathed a sigh of relief when we finally arrived and I hugged my dear friend. Even if a few months pass, it doesn't matter. We pick up right where we left off. Only, instead of talking about boys and homework (like we did in high school) we talk about toys and housework.

I don't know what I would do without my confidants, but this is for you: Thank you for always being on my side AND for playing the devil's advocate when I need it. You keep me grounded and laughing. Thank you for being my constant support and sounding board. I cherish your friendship and love.

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Yes, peas are delicious - and funny!

Yes, peas are delicious - and funny!
Our little guy at 15 months, February 2011.